


以下是我寫給一個本來是淺綠轉淺藍的金融界朋友(嗯,趙建銘事件的結果),本來我是不期待她會回心轉意,沒想到她不只個人贊同我的意見,還把這封信轉給幾 個同樣是淺綠轉淺藍的朋友。雖然這群台美人不見得全都會回來投票,但能得到他們的贊同已經是一個好的開始。也許你們身邊都會有這種朋友,所以我也希望大家 能開始動起來,一人拉一票,台灣未來更美好。


He can not even give a straight answer to a simple question.


Sorry for late response since your incoming mail was spammed by our mail server. I am not Ma so I can not speak for him on his "intentions". But do you remember how he reacted when this corruption case was first exposed? He gave a "flat denial" trying to dismiss everyone lightly. He also did this in the Fubon Shark Fin case, and he did this in the "green card" case before Frank Hsieh "reminded" him of the card number. Just look at how lightly he tried to dismiss everybody in face of all well-founded accuses. 每件事他的第一個反應都是想唬弄過去,到不能不承認時才一點一點地吐實。Do you believe that he has given you all truth, and nothing but the truth? If you have doubt in his honesty, how come you can believe he will "拼經濟" for you? Is he also telling a truth in this?

I agree with you in your disappointment with A-bian. I myself is also disappointed, too, in his character but not in his job of promoting Taiwan's economy. If you look at real GDP growth but not nominal GDP growth, you will realize that Taiwan is outperforming Korea. Seoul is now one of the cities with highest living costs (which I can not imagine 10 years ago, when my dad came back from a trip there and told me about cheap and delicious food in the Dongdaemum Market), and the leftist government was ousted because it is doing a bad job improving average people's life, despite the glorius numbers you see. Do you know the same Korean pear costs about 1.5x in Seoul than it is in Taipei?

I think 李遠哲 is still right. We are choosing between a spoilt lying artistocrat with no proven trackrecord, and a clever and hard-working plebian who knows the real difficulties of the average people, and has proven himself in all good jobs he did. You surely know his performance as a mayor and the premier, and I would recommend you to look at what he did as a plain civilian: SARS風暴 and 施雪蕙, which I believe few knew before.

Speaking for DPP today requires a lot of courage. However, I am not speaking for DPP, but for Frank Hsieh. I am already so disgusted with those DPP politicians who only know how to fight for a position in Taipei, without spending time on listening to people's voices in the countryside. DPP does deserve such a defeat in the legislator election. However, this country is still run by the president (sadly, like it or not, it is so written in the Constitution) and we want an upright and capable person in this position. Do you think Ma is either upright or capable? I do not think so.
He can not even give a straight answer to a simple question. Still carrying a valid green card is not necessarily a big evil (well, it may just be a careless mistake), but telling a lie (or a series of lies) is.

I will vote for Hsieh because I know he always delivers what he promises. If you still want to vote for Ma, please kindly look at how many loose endshe left behind is his past posts. If he did not perform well as a mayor, why should I believe he will perform well as a president?

As for the "capable" KMT team? I knew them when I worked for XXX(某黨國大老,名字恕我為了保持個人隱私而保密,但我這項工作經驗就是讓別人相信我駡國民黨言之有據的原因之一). Youmay choose to believe them, which I do not think a very wise decision.

Best regards,